Lyfe’s Lullabies
"Lost between lullabies and lyrics and living in the lush memories of life, love and lose"


Monday, April 26, 2010

'Miski's muse'

“Words are my weapons
Words console, comfort and calm me when all else fails me

♥ Miski's muse

"Amateur with an eye"

I wanted to share an armature photo session I had with my sister Miski today. For a beginner I think she did an amazing job.

Finding a reason to smile – Priceless

The highlight of my day was a compliment a Caucasian guy on the street gave me. He literally chased me, stopped me and said “You walk with such air of confidence it almost feels like your flying. Man you would make such a pretty super hero."

Instantly I thought of my childhood She-hero Storm from the X-man and smiled to myself. Best compliment ever received. Hence why I want to share it.

Other than that, another mundane Monday.



  1. LOOL at the man's comment, adorable!
    Oh la la... i like your style very clean cut, and elegant.

    p.s-- how do you get such perfect curls? I’ve always wanted to know this, and for some reason it is always the Canadian girls that can pull it off :D

    seriously ( i am going off on a tangent now) but I seriously shaved all my hair off a few months ago. Aside from wanting to be liberated, i wanted to start again naturally.

  2. Thanks for the lovely compliment hun! And what I do with my hair usually is leave conditioner in it. It doesn't matter which kind, I usually use Pantene Pro V! And let it dry and then puff it up with my fingers. You want big volume that's the trick.

    P.s I am all about shaving off hair and letting it grow naturally again. I always prefer short hair to long. I pretty much shaved mine off Nov of 08 – it's grown back too long for my taste now! I am dying to cut it now! Let me know if you cut yours off. I would like to see what cut you sport!


  3. Thanks sis, definitely taking heed to this...
    As for short hair i think you have the right "facial structure" whatever that means lol

    But you get me right? how far did you shave... i was literally on Amber Rose status.
    Completely BALD :D

    *sigh* i think i want to go back to that...
    (goes off to look for her clippers)

    Thanks Macda :-)
